Good Measure Gathering 2021: Exploring Community-Driven Evaluation

What does it mean to engage in community-driven evaluation of impact in today's world?  Join us on November 4 for an interactive and engaging exploration of achieving equity in our evaluation efforts. Whether you are a nonprofit staff member, funder who cares about data and evaluation, or community partner, this Good Measure gathering is for you!

You'll walk away inspired by the wisdom of keynoters Meme Styles (Founder + President of MEASURE, Data Activist) and Fatima Mann (Community Advocacy & Healing Project). Breakout Sessions and quick "hot topic" talks will give concrete examples of community-driven practices and lessons learned.  Hear reflections on how Good Measure has sought to make programming more accessible - including the debut of a new video illustrating the Data Leader Guiding Principles that embed equity in every phase of our work!

Also, join us as we experiment real-time with a rapid grant opportunity! The day before the conference, interested nonprofits can compete during a 2-hour rapid grant proposal window, with applications being evaluated by the grants committee. At the end of the Good Measure Gathering on November 4, we'll announce the rapid grant winners! We’ve shifted this event to November 3 at noon with a 3:00 PM submission deadline. Register here to compete and receive the zoom link to the bidders overview.

Join us for this program designed by Good Measure Program alumni to be educational, inspirational, and fun event. 


Measuring What Matters: Reflection Update


Welcome Ashika Raval – Our New Collective Impact Program Specialist