Transforming Numbers to Narratives, Celebrating Your Community with Data

An illustration of a mural depicting community stories and achievements through data graphs and charts.

Good Measure is excited to launch the inaugural event of our Data and Evaluation Quarterly Series! This series is intended to serve Central Texas nonprofit professionals who work within all capacity levels of data and evaluation. We want to amplify the community by bringing folks together to deepen their data and evaluation skillsets, connect with professionals who bring diverse perspectives, and to simply strengthen and support the data and evaluation nonprofit community of Central Texas. 

As we transform and enhance Good Measure programming, we want to continue to embody the value of decisions being both informed and led by the community. Because of this, we have connected with various members of the Good Measure community to gain a stronger sense of what the current needs are in Central Texas Data and Evaluation spaces. This includes having conversations with previous Good Measure program participants, program facilitators, funders and nonprofit leaders who have not formally been a part of Good Measure programming. 

Some of the themes that emerged from these conversations are: 

  • More flexible and low-commitment programming opportunities. 

  • More accessible gatherings to connect with and learn from other data and evaluation peers in the sector. 

  • More spaces that feel inclusive and welcoming to folks who represent all levels and stages of data gathering and evaluation. 

  • More tangible and applicable data and evaluation capacity building tools. 

This led us to launch a quarterly series for folks to convene, connect and learn.  

The topic of the first event: Data for Celebration: Using Data to Strengthen Your Community.  

What is Data for Celebration? 

Celebrating data goes beyond just crunching numbers and analyzing statistics. It's about recognizing the stories behind the data—the lives impacted, the barriers overcome, and the progress made towards the mission. It's about taking a moment to acknowledge the collective effort that goes into collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data to inform decisions and strategies. 

In today's data-driven landscape, the ability to leverage data effectively has become more important than ever for nonprofits. Yet, all too often, we get caught up in the day-to-day demands of our work and forget to pause and celebrate the small victories that data can reveal. By intentionally making space to celebrate data, we not only recognize the hard work of our team but also reaffirm our commitment to using data as a tool for positive change. 

Celebrating data can foster a sense of pride and ownership among staff members who feel empowered by the insights gleaned from data to drive their work forward. Additionally, it can strengthen relationships with funders, who appreciate the commitment to transparency and accountability in demonstrating impact. 

Register today and learn more about what to expect at this month’s Quarterly Series. 


Evaluation Funds: Implementing Community Feedback & Transparency in Funding